Human vs AI

J Levy
2 min readOct 31, 2023

I had a rough idea what I wanted for the GULLS cover art. The line

where our bodies lay, flowers will grow

felt like a good place to start. So, Han and I spent a long night feeding prompts such as ‘skeleton laying in flowers with mushrooms’ into an AI art generator. It produced loads of amazing images…

AI generated images

However stunning these images were, AI never quite generated anything that truly resonated. Some of them even still had a mashed up signature in the corner, I assume from the original artist. This raises some serious ethical issues. Anyways, despite the incredible ability of AI I still needed the personal touch from a human hand to create the vision. So, I contacted Megan Rose, who I had become friends with on Instagram over lockdown, and commissioned her to draw the cover art….

GULLS cover art by Megan Rose

Megan created this beautiful piece that perfectly symbolises the tune.

I absolutely love it!

It’s Iconic.

Meg’s initial sketch

So, keep supporting all those unknown artists that you follow! I know some artists are using AI as a tool for their own original visions. Using AI as a paintbrush, as opposed to using it to collate already available works without consent, is exciting. I can clearly see its potential. But in all honesty, AI should be freeing us up and enabling us to do more art whilst it does the mundane tasks. Not the other way around. Surely that is what progress looks like? It will be a real heavy dystopia otherwise …



J Levy

PhD candidate at the Centre For Creative Economies, Coventry University -